A sound notion, but you haven’t got a flying carpet.
Are you nuts? You’d plummet to your death!
You’re already standing up.
You are already sitting on the carpet.
You can’t ride the carpet indoors, so there’s no point to sitting on it.
There’s no reason to do that.
You can’t fly the carpet down stairs.
You can’t sink any lower.
You can’t fly the carpet up stairs.
You can’t rise any higher.
You can’t fly the carpet indoors.
You can’t fly the carpet that close to a market stall.
On the flying carpet, you could easily fly over the wall to the southwest.
You can’t roll up the carpet while you’re sitting on it.
You’ll need to bring it down to ground level first.
You’ll need to find it first.
Only one thing in this game can be rolled, and it isn’t here.
You already have the rolled carpet.
The carpet is here, waiting for instructions.
You retrieve your carpet and climb on. That seems to be what it wants.
The carpet doesn’t seem to want to come indoors. Memories of being walked on, perhaps.
You can’t summon a carpet into being.
It’s right in front of your nose.
Hmm, doesn’t seem to be one around.
The carpet is hovering overhead.
The carpet is somewhere below you.
It shouldn’t be too far away.
That’s in the market area.
That’s in one of the public areas of the Palace.
That’s in the north wing, the Sultan’s private quarters.
That’s in the east wing, the women’s quarters.
Let’s hope you can retrieve it.
The carpet hovers quietly, waiting for instructions.
With the flying carpet, you could easily fly over the wall to the northeast.
Too late…
There wasn’t a thing you could do…
You unroll the carpet and climb on, gripping the edge so you won’t get dizzy.
You get off the carpet and roll it up so it won’t drift away.
The carpet is hovering just outside the window. You can’t see it, but you can operate it using the ordinary commands.
You don’t need to be explicit here. Just give the ordinary navigation commands.
Try that now, and you’re liable to take on a passenger. Find some place with a little more privacy.
The carpet curls around you protectively…
The carpet is waiting nearby, in the open marketplace.
It’s true that nobody has so much as batted an eye at the sight of you on your carpet… but if loot started raining down from the heavens, it would almost certainly attract notice.
Well, so much for the clay bottle.
As you might have expected, the coins are quickly scooped up by passersby.
All that’s left is a greasy smear on the ground.